>:Join the FTS webring!

One of the Patreon bonuses for From The Superhighway is membership within the official webring. I hope to develop it over time into a set of links that can serve as a varied taste-test of various indie web projects.

?: How do I join?

There are just two steps:

  1. Join the FTS Patreon.
  2. Send me a an email (or a Discord message) with the name you signed up to Patreon with, as well as the link to the (rules-complying) website you want to add. Once you do, I'll provide you a little code snippet to place on your site!

?: What are the rules?

  1. No bigots, no bigotry, and no sites that link to or endorse them. I reserve the right to eject anti-social freaks from the webring, Patreon, and Discord without warning.
  2. It's fine if the site you submit has NSFW content somewhere on it, but it must be preceded by an age rating, disclaimer, or other viewer discretion page.
  3. The site you submit cannot be A Platform™️, as defined on the homepage.
  4. The site you submit has to actually be yours, or you've got to have written permission from the webmaster to add it to the webring.

I reserve the right to (and will probably need to) amend these rules at a later date, but that's all for now.

>:Our Members!